Elder and Deacon affirmation voting will be held on Sunday, November 3.
The men recommended to serve as Elders beginning in 2025 include: Chris Hill, Tyler Morris, and Bradley Williams.
Elders continuing to serve in 2025 include: David Buster, Ted Fletcher, Jason Mayer, Keith Matheny, Clint Miller, Arthur Rawlings, and Charles Shoaf.
The men recommended to serve as Deacons in 2025 include: Zach Beringer, Terry Brooks, Shawn Dawes, Joshua Green, Jim Jackson, Harold Laughlin, Travis Miller, Danjun (DJ) Paet, Tracy Pate, Ben Potter, Grover Ream, Kevin Schweikert, James Williams, and Brian Winn.
Voting will be open to church members. A printable ballot is available at the link below if you'd like to complete it in advance and turn it in on Sunday.